Taking Seriously Covid-19 – Keeping you safe

Firstly, we would like inform you of some of the clinical changes we have made. Along with additional education, and procedure changes that we have put in place due to Covid-19, Corona Virus.
Above all, these changes should reassure our patients and care staff. That we can continue to offer our great Podiatry service. Whilst reducing the risk of infection of the Covid-19 Corona virus.
As always, our focus remains on providing the highest level of Podiatry care, while adhering to all required health and safety standards.
Travel restrictions
During this pandemic, none of our staff have been overseas in the past few months. And as per Government restrictions, we won’t have any staff travelling overseas until the virus is over.
Sterile procedure and hygiene
As per normal protocol, staff are wearing and using the correct PPE. We have high levels of stock, including alcohol hand rub, to ensure these practices remain in place.
COVID-19 infection control training & information
All staff have done the Australian Government Health Department Covid-19 Infection control training module. This is training provided by the Health department.
Changes in the clinic
Within the clinic we have we have significantly increased our already high levels of safety and infection control to keep our patients and staff safe. Changes include:
- Patients are screened on entry to our clinic and a request to completed a health declaration. This declaration discussed overseas travel within the past 14 days. Contact with people known to have the Covid-19 virus. And the presence of Corona symptoms and general health.
- Displaying signs at the entrance and reception reminding people to not enter if they are unwell. Or have come from overseas in the last 14 days.
- We have made adjustments to our waiting room including creating a hand washing station. And introducing the use of disposable gloves by patients for the duration of their visit.
- Our waiting room chair numbers have been decreased from 7 down to 4 chairs.
- Requested that friends and family of the patient stay outside the clinic. To ensure that we are following correct distancing requirements.
- Letting the fresh air into the Clinic by having an ‘open door’ policy.
- We have increased the frequency of our already high level of cleaning and disinfecting of all areas.
- Further Increasing of hand cleaning/ protection of both admin team members and Podiatrists.
- We have temporarily removed the magazines, toys and water fountain from the waiting room and closed the lending library to avoid contact.
We appreciate your continued support as we provide our professional Podiatry service. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the clinic on 4325 0600.
Stay safe and well,
Andrew Martin, Tim Ghantous
and the East Gosford Podiatry team.