Ingrown Toenail Surgery Central Coast

Ingrown Toenail Surgery Central Coast

Ingrown Toenail Surgery Central Coast

East Gosford Podiatry performs ingrown toenail surgery Central Coast patients can have to alleviate the pain of recurring ingrown toenails and offer you a more permanent solution to correct the problem permanently. The simple procedure is called a Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA). This minor procedure is performed in our consultation rooms at East Gosford Podiatry in a sterile surgical environment.

What are Ingrown toenails?

An ingrown nail begins as a soft tissue irritation down the side or sulcus of a nail. Often, the hard edge of the nail causes the skin to break, creating a small wet wound. In other instances, hard skin or callus may build-up down the side of the nail, creating small corn. 

This usually does not create a wound or skin break, however the pressure can still be very painful.

After this initial irritation, the soft tissue becomes increasingly inflamed or swollen, resulting in greater pressure on the edge of the nail. 

Perhaps rather than calling this condition an ‘ingrown nail’, we would be more accurately referring to it as ‘swollen toe’. With very few exceptions, an ingrown nail is not when a nail has changed the direction that it grows. It does not simply turn around and start ‘growing in’.

Common Causes of Ingrown Toenails

  • Hereditary involuted (curved) nails
  • Poor nail cutting technique
  • Ripping or tearing toenails (teenagers)
  • Tight or poorly fitting shoes
  • Sporting activities that cause mild toe trauma (soccer, football, ballet etc)
  • Acute trauma from stubbing or kicking your toe.
  • The short-term management of an ingrown nail should focus on reducing the ongoing irritation between the nail edge and the inflamed tender surrounding skin.

Remedies of Ingrown Toenails

Cut a ‘V’ in it. This has absolutely no benefit. To be able to cut a ‘V’ in your nail, you must first grow your nail unnecessarily long which will increase pressure. Then when you cut a V, it will still have no bearing on nail growth. This will not draw the edges of the nail in.

Just get antibiotics from your doctor. This can help prevent or resolve any infection that is present. It may also help, reduce the inflammation around the nail edge, however it does not address the issue. It really just buys you some time to sort out the real problem.

Put betadine or antiseptic cream on it. This can be helpful to keep the site clean, but as above, it does not address the cause of the irritation.

Pack under the nail with cotton wool. This can be risky. Packing can increase the pressure, therefore increase pain. It can also increase the chance of infection, depending on what is used. This is not something I would recommend.

Soak it in a warm salt solution. This may offer some minor short-term pain relief, and assist a little in cleaning the site, but again, does not address the cause. If you wish to do this, I would advise a brief salt water rinse, rather than a long soak. This does not mean a barefoot swim at the beach.

Rip, chop or tear the nail edge out to create more space. I strongly advised against these crude surgeries. They almost always leave a new jiggered nail edge deeper down the nail sulci in a less accessible location. This usually makes the condition worse in the long term.

Wait for the nail to grow through. Assuming there are no ongoing issues such as tight shoes, this strategy may lead to a resolution, my concern with this is how long will it take? And how uncomfortable it will it be for this period. I think there are much more positive and effective strategies that can be employed.

Ingrown Toenail Surgery Central Coast

More Effective Management Options to Consider

Have a critical look at all your shoes, checking they are not too short, too shallow, or too pointy. Avoiding pressure on the toe is the key here. Pain will usually let you know whether the shoes are ok or not…… honest!

Gentle roll or massage the tender skin away from the nail edge. Do not poke things in there, cut, rip or tear down the side of the nail to get the ‘sharp bit’ out. The most likely outcome from attempting this is that you will create a small spur that may increase the irritation.

Talk to a Podiatrist about possible short-term conservative relief, or more permanent surgical correction, especially for recurring issues or very curved nails. You may be advised to see your GP about possible antibiotics if an infection is suspected.

Generally, all ingrown nails are manageable and there is really no need to put up with sore toenails for any extended period. If, with a little bit of help, you can identify the cause of your discomfort and are willing to make a change to address this cause, then nail comfort should not be too hard to achieve.

Surgical Option for Ingrown Toenails

With local anaesthetic applied to the toe, a small portion of the nail is removed with the nail matrix cauterised to prevent regrowth. This offers a permanent solution to the painful ingrown nail without compromising the aesthetic look of the nail.

This minor procedure is performed in our consultation rooms at East Gosford Podiatry in a sterile surgical environment.

Assessment of your relevant medical history and foot health will allow us to advise whether this procedure is appropriate for you. We will also be able to discuss the procedure with you in greater detail, addressing any questions or concerns you may have.

We Accept Patients from all over the Central Coast

If you are in East Gosford and surrounding suburbs and are in need of a Podiatry appointment due to lower limb or feet issues you may need orthotics. Please contact our clinic on (02) 4325 0600

Ingrown Toenail Surgery Central Coast

East Gosford
Green Point
Point Clare

Point Frederick
West Gosford
Avoca Beach

North Gosford
Erina Heights
Niagara Park
Woy Woy

(02) 4325 0600